Thank You For Your Support!

When you purchase one of our logo items, you’re not just supporting a retired veteran—you’re joining Jesse on his journey of generosity and joy. Jesse is passionate about fishing and loves to share the fruits of his labor, whether it’s gifting fresh catches to friends and neighbors or cooking up a delicious meal for those in need. Your support helps cover essential expenses like boat upkeep, gas, and truck maintenance, allowing Jesse to continue his mission of giving back while managing the everyday costs of life. Plus, you might just be inspired by Jesse’s unique flair—he might even break out a hula hoop or two! Every purchase is a step towards helping Jesse spread kindness and keep his heartwarming spirit alive.

All prices are shown on the actual online store as there’s a sale just about everyday. Here are just a few featured items. We’ve got 50 logo items and you can even create your own. There are 1000’s of items to place your logo, our logo or your favorite photo.

Visit any of the items below for details or visit HulaMan Onine Store to view all the items we offer.

HulaMan Baseball

HulaMan Baseball

HulaMan Phone Grip

HulaMan Fish Phone Grip

HulaMan Cookie Jar

HulaMan Cookie Jar

HulaMan Metal Lunch Box

HulaMan Lunch Box

HulaMan Shot Glass

HulaMan Shot Glass

HulaMan Go Fish Cards

HulaMan Go Fish Game

HulaMan Apron

HulaMan Apron

HulaMan 15oz Mug

HulaMan 15oz Mug